
Saturday, April 1, 2023

The Purrtiest Flower #CaturdayArt

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our weekly answers (all answered by Mommy this week) for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

1. 6 weeks down, the rest of my life without mom to go.

2. It's all fun and games until Mudpie sees another cat. She was sequestered in an office at the shelter for good reason! 

3. By some miracle, I survived the winter from hell.

4. Unless I absolutely cannot get out of it, I rarely attend social events.


  1. Mudpie, you look absolutely spring time beautiful with all those flowers. That should be a very cheerful picture for your mommy. She's had the winter from hell in more ways than one. Let's hope spring brings a little more joy into your lives.

  2. We have nothing to say beyond ... soft, sweet and stunning!

  3. Mudpie, I am seeing a whole new side of you. I hope your future is as rosy as you are today. Beautiful!

  4. Mudpie, you certainly are purr-ty! I hope you and Mommy have a good weekend, with lots of snuggles.

  5. Mudpie you look purrfect and ready for spring, we love your Mudpie bouquet.

  6. Beautiful art. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins. #1 is so sad and I wish there was some way to comfort you, but I know there is no way. As for #4, I am the same way. I try not to fib, but if it means I can stay home and not hurt someone's feelings then I do. :) XO

  7. Lovely art, Mudpie!

    Sending our love and purrs to your mom at this difficult time xx

  8. We hope you are doing ok. When you wrte "6 weeks down, the rest of my life without mom to go." you totally reminded me of how i counted time down the first year after each of my parents died. Sorry you have ot go through this --glad you have Mudpie

  9. That's beautiful sweet Mudpie! Sorry you don't like other kitties, but you are the Queen!

  10. Wow, stunningly beautiful picture of Mudpie!

  11. Mudpie, you are the furry epitome of Spring!

  12. You're a beautiful flower, sweet girl. Your first answer on the fill in made us sad😿 We're with you on the 4th question😸Soft Pawkisses🐾😽💞

  13. MOL...we biggified the picture, but we couldn't see that the bed wasn't made up, sweet Mudpie😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday to you and your mommy too🐾😽💞

  14. MP, did you change your name to Rose? Heh heh!
