
Friday, November 17, 2023

Feline Friday Flashback: Decorating the Tree

Meows from Mudpie!

Our Christmas tree went up on Sunday! Mommy did it that day to help her forget the fact there was no NASCAR race. It finally got decorated yesterday.

It brought to mind a number of years ago when I walked into the living room to find Mommy sitting on the floor with two huge Chewy boxes! Fully expecting to find them packed full of goodies for me, I ran right over to see what was inside, only to find...

Christmas tree ornaments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Talk about a dirty trick!!! I was horrified but Mommy said the look on my little face was priceless, so she grabbed the iPad and captured the moment.

Feline Friday is simple to join. All you have to do is:

Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (They may be silly or cute).


  1. Poor Mudpie, you did look very disappointed! That is a lot of decorations.

  2. You LQQKED very shocked there seeing all them lol :-)

    Have a decorationtastic week 👍

  3. Oh Mudpie, you do look a bit disappointed. But just look into that box when you blow up the picture, I see all kinds of kitty cats in it. And not any of them would be competition for you. Those kind of kitties won't eat your treats.

  4. We hope she gave you Squeezies to make up for your disappointment.

  5. Are you sure that isn't a box of cat toys, Mudpie?

  6. totally insulting!!! no peenut budder in dee box?!?!?

  7. OH MUDPIE, what a total travesty for sure! But the good news is, mew have lots of new toys! MOL

  8. Mudpie, you are too cute! And Eddy wants you to know that Christmas tree ornaments are often just as fun as what usually comes in the Chewy boxes. You can smack the ornaments around, which is especially fun if you do so from inside the tree. Purrs!

  9. Tis the season sweet Mudpie and ornaments are always fun!

  10. Well, as a box lover, you gotta admit those Chewy boxes are good and sturdy and up to the job. Still, I'm sure that was a horrible disappointment.

    Thank you for joining Feline Friday!
