
Sunday, April 14, 2024

What Season Are We Doing Today? #SundaySelfie

Meows from Mudpie!

Friday I spent the entire day sunbathing in glorious 75 degree weather. Yesterday it was back in the 40s.

I think Mother Nature is having hot flashes.

 We're joining our friends at The Cat On My Head for the Sunday Selfies blog hop! 


  1. Mudpie, you have such a sweet–sweet face. Great eye–liner and purrfect whitish chin.
    Big hugs,
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. Mudpie, we are glad you had some sunshine. We did yesterday also. But that was after 4 days of Non-Stop rain. It's supposed to be sunny again today so we have our paws crossed. Hope you get some sunshine on Sunday. Precious

  3. I agree, Mother Nature needs to take her meds! Nice selfie, though.

  4. mudpie, owr weather iz doin dee same fing. yesserday wuz 45 degreez, dee day afor wuz 73 degreez, lass nite wuz cold, i hadz to spoon dee mum fur warmz

  5. mudpie eye bee leeve ewe iz hot flazhez for mom naturez round heer two... next week herz gonna give uz bak winter time ~~~~~ at nite ...and fern canna catch a brake !!
    ♥♥♥ happee week a head :)

  6. Yes, it's been rather wacky down here too sweet Mudpie. Your selfie is gorgeous girl!

  7. I think winter is just having a hard time letting go this year, doesn't want to admit defeat.

  8. Mudpie, you do look seriously miffed. We have had so much wind and rain that we hardly bother to wake up these days. This week is supposed to be seriously nice. Hope you'll find some better weather moving your way. Our mom had a good chuckle about the hot flash comment. She's been having them for 25 years. Thanks for hopping. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  9. The weather's been all over the map here, too, Mudpie. Nice selfie!

  10. Ha ha we loved that "mother nature is having hot flashes" part! Very clever. Maybe Mama Nature needs some weather-replacement meds....

  11. WOW WOW WOW Mama LOVES mushrooms and was amazed to fine your blog and see that you are an international mushroom consultant! WONDROUS. What do you do as that very special person? Mama is crazy in truffle season in Italy when she is often there. Would love more info about your work.

  12. It was 77F here today, and all the spring blooms are bursting forth....including the shade trees...soon there will be leaves on the trees...and since its so early there surely will be a frosty night or two to tease us all.

    You look comfy, Mudpie!

  13. Same in our Country, sweet Mudpie🙈But great Selfie anyway. Double Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead to you and your mommy too🐾😽💞

  14. How strange your weather is. I hope you enjoy some nice weather soon.
