
Thursday, May 9, 2024

An Escape Goat by Janna Rollins - Blog Tour with Character Guest Post and Giveaway

After finding long-lost family through a DNA test, Callie heads to Bobwhite Hollow, New Hampshire, to meet a great-uncle she never knew existed. Charmed by the village and more than half in love with her new family, she decides to stay and open a goat yoga studio and retreat space.

When retreat guest Angilene Claudson turns up dead with a wine glass shattered at her side and Callie’s favorite goat lapping up the spill, the death is written off as an accidental overdose. But when the goat gets sick, Callie’s gut tells her it wasn’t an accident at all. With her new business on the line and a possible murderer staying in the guesthouse, Callie sets to work to uncover the truth and keep her family safe.

Character Guest Post by Bugsy the Goat:

Hello Melissa and Mudpie! Thanks so much for having me here today. My name is Bugsy and I live on Haybeck Farm a few miles outside of Bobwhite Hollow, New Hampshire. While I’m a goat, there are a few orange marmalade cats who live here on the farm. I love it when one of the barn cats curls up next to me while I’m taking a nap. That rumbling they make is super peaceful.

My favorite human is Callie Haybeck. She came to the farm where I was born to buy some does and kids for her goat yoga business, The Zen Goat, but fell in love with me, (how could she not!), and brought me home with her. I’m so grateful because I’d heard the farmer talking and it sounded like my days were numbered. Callie rescued me from turning into goat roast!

Most days now, I don’t have to worry about anything. I spend a lot of time munching on clover in the field with my friends, but when Callie comes to get the kids for yoga, I can’t help but be a little jealous. They get to play with all those people, running and jumping on their backs and being held in their laps. Callie says I’m too big. That I would hurt people, but I really want to try so sometimes I yell really loud while she’s teaching yoga so she’ll remember I’m here and maybe come and get me to play. So far, it hasn’t worked.

Callie calls me her escape goat, because if I want to be somewhere other than in the field, I just go. I haven’t met a fence yet that I can’t jump over. Callie shouldn’t worry so much. I never go far. Usually, I’m just trying to find her. It’s a good thing, because recently I sensed she was in danger and went to help her out. When I found that blonde lady sleeping behind the haystack, I stopped to take a drink of the sour grape juice left in her glass. How was I supposed to know it would make me so sleepy? Callie was super upset, but I’m kind of glad it happened. Without me falling into that deep sleep, who knows when she would have met that nice veterinarian?

Even after I woke up, things were really tense for awhile. Hopefully next time, Callie will think twice before she invites a murderer to stay in the guest cottage here at Haybeck Farm.

Well, I’d better run. I don’t want to take up too much of your time, and I’ve got some grazing to do. There’s a whole lot more to the story about the lady behind the haystack, and, not to brag, but I played a very important part in bringing the killer down. You can read all about it in An Escape Goat by Janna Rollins.

About the Author: 

When Janna Rollins isn’t writing, she likes to thumb through New England-based magazines and drool over the pictures. She has a love for red barns, goats, and genealogy. Janna can be found showing her socially awkward side on Facebook or sharing pictures of her tiny one-acre farm on Instagram. She is a member of Sister In Crime, and also writes the Hometown Hardware Mystery series as Paula Charles. Janna lives in Southwestern Washington with her husband and a whole menagerie of furry and feathered critters.

Author Links:


FB: Rainy Day Mysteries –

IG: rainy_day_mysteries –


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sounds like a fun read...thanks for having a giveaway!

  2. Indeed it does sound like a great read, and the artwork on the cover is just incredible. That'll pull a person right into the story in itself.

  3. Bugsy was so happy to be featured on your blog! He's trotting around the field with a crown on his head today! Silly old goat.
    -Janna Rollins

  4. That looks good. A lot of people in my town have goats. XO

  5. That looks like a really fun and unique book. Nice cover too!

  6. From a goat's point of view, that's a unique vantage.
