
Thursday, October 1, 2015

Faithfully Yours Book Tour: An Interview with Peggy Frezon

Last fall I participated in a blog hop called Caring for Critters where I wrote about Tara's journey with diabetes. Shortly after I received an email from author Peggy Frezon saying that she would love to include our story in her upcoming book!

Faithfully Yours: The Amazing Bond Between Us and the Animals We Love officially hits store shelves TODAY. and I was so honored to have the opportunity to interview Peggy for her blog tour.

Melissa: What inspired you to write Faithfully Yours, a book about the human/animal bond?

There is such power in the human-animal bond. We rescue animals, and animals rescue us. The love goes both ways. My own dogs remind me of this every day. I wanted to share true stories of the remarkable ways animals comfort, accept, heal, and love us, as well as stories of so many remarkable people who comfort, accept, heal and love animals.

Peggy: How did you choose the stories included in the book?

I divided the book into categories that reflect some of the amazing ways animals and humans connect-such as rescue, healing, compassion, devotion. I searched for stories that reflect these categories. Some stories are of everyday pets in common situations that many of us relate to...while others are stories of heroic rescues and amazing feats. Some of the stories are funny, while others are spiritual, because I feel that animals often have traits that reflect God's love for us. I also wanted to be sure to include stories of many different animals, not just dogs--so there are stories about horses, cows, guinea pigs, rabbits, sheep, deer, birds, and cats--such as the beautiful story of your Tara.

Tell us about the pets you've shared your life with...both those in your home now and those that live forever in your heart.

Right now my husband and I share our home and our lives with two rescue dogs: Kelly, a 13-year old spaniel-dachshund mix, and Ike, a 9-year old golden retriever. They're sweet, laid-back and loving. The dog who most lives in my heart forever is our golden retriever Brooks, who we adopted when he was 12 years old. We only had one year together, but he taught us everything about the love of a very special dog. We are sure he came to us to live out the last year of his life in comfort and love.

You rescue senior dogs, and I so admire those who take in older animals. What would you tell people who might balk at adopting special needs animals?

Brooks was the dog who got us started in rescuing senior dogs. It's not something we set out to do. But we were the lucky ones to share our home with a senior dog in need. To anyone considering adopting a special needs animal, I'd say first evaluate the animal's needs and your own time and resources. Make sure it's a good match. f you feel it in your heart that you have a place for a senior dog, or a blind cat, or an animal with health issues, know that it won't always be easy. But don't be afraid. You will be doing a wonderful thing for that animal.

What made you decide to write about animals as a career path?

Well, I most fortunately and happily fell into it. I started my career writing SAT tests and other reading comprehension tests for educational publishing companies. Then I began writing inspirational stories for Guideposts magazine, and I still write for them regularly. I found myself writing about my own pets most often. I'm blessed to be able to combine two loves--writing and animals.

How have animals transformed your life?

I can honestly say my pets have made me a better person. Seeing how they depend upon me for their food, warmth, health care, and every need, I don't want to let them down. They treat me with joy, love, forgiveness, comfort. And, to extend that out, I want to treat people the way they deserve to be treated as well. Sometimes, the answer is to treat others the way my dog would treat them.


About the book: With inspiring stories of devotion, protection, healing, compassion, and faith, Faithfully Yours explores why we love animals so much. You will meet:

• A schnauzer that rescued his owner after a devastating lighting strike.
• A 40-foot whale that shocked her rescuers when she helped to save a baby whale trapped in a fishing net.
• A miniature horse that guides a blind teacher.
• A cat that comforts stressed-out college students. As well as people who love animals in extraordinary ways:
• The dog trainer who transformed an unwanted shelter dog into a Broadway star.
• The man who became a voice for the humane treatment of farm animals.
• The woman who gave up everything to help street dogs and, in turn, learned lessons of trust and love.

Faithfully Yours will warm your heart and enhance your appreciation of God’s wonderful creation. For anyone who’s ever loved, and known the love of, a special animal.

Purchase Link

Giveaway: Leave a comment to be entered to win a free copy of Faithfully Yours. One winner will be chosen from all the comments from the blog tour. Follow the tour and if you leave comments on all 14 stops, you'll get 14 entries!

Tues 9/29- Earl’s World
Wed 9/30- Cindy Lu's Muse
Thur 10/1- Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries and Meows
Fri 10/2- Pet Product Review
Sat 10/3- Talent Hounds
Sun 10/4- The Writer's Dog
Mon 10/5- Pooch Smooches
Tues 10/6- Heart Like a Dog
Wed 10/7- Champion of my Heart
Thurs 10/8- Joyful Paws and Talking Dogs
Fri 10/9- Fire Safety Rocks and Five Sibes


  1. Faithfully Yours sounds like a wonderful heartfelt inspiring book, and I adore the book cover. Thank you for the chance to win.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you like the cover! I love Jack Russells!

  2. I love stories about animals and this one sounds like it is right up my alley. Thanks for sharing information about the author and her book.

  3. In the end, pets give us much more than we give them.

  4. I'd like to reblog the contest, if you don't mind?

  5. This is so true, the amazing bond is indeed just that.

  6. There are sent here, for however long, for a purpose. We just need to pay attention.
    Unconditional love from an animal can be a real eye opener.
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

  7. Faithfully Yours would be a treasure which I would enjoy greatly. Thanks for this lovely giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  8. Captivating and very special. A book I can love. elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com

  9. Gweat Review. Mommy's twyin' to write sis Lexi's stowry now. Or shuld me say sis lexi be twyin to dictate hers stowry. MOL Have a gweat day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  10. Enjoying this book tour- getting great snippets about the new book, while being introduced to new blogs. Thanks!

  11. i think people are realizing more and more the human bond b/t dogs and people. i love reading parts of the book, makes me want to read more. thank you. good luck on the tout.
