
Thursday, December 28, 2017

Secret Paws 2017

Meows from Mudpie!

The wait has been nearly unbearable but I *finally* get to tell you about my Secret Paws package which came last week from our friends Oliver, Nubia & Renegade at Katzenworld! I should warn you right now, this post is filled with blurry tortie shots!!!

We love the box everything came in even though we don't know what it says!

I believe in being very "paws on" in everything I do so I immediately started pulling stuff out. Who needs a human's opposable thumbs?

These are all the goodies I found inside (pardon my tushie in the corner): a valerian gingerbread man, catnip dolphin, nip knot, a catnip cushion with a cute little chick on it and fun tassels, some freeze-dried treats, Ciao lickable treats that I've been dying to try, and a Katzenworld keychain!

I threw myself right into the pile and could smell the gingerbread man right through the packaging.

Hurry up and open it, Mommy!!!

Move along...there's nothing to see here.

Then my eyes locked on the nip knot and I was a goner.

These pictures were all taken during the initial nip knot frenzy. You can even see the slobber in the last shot! Eventually Mommy realized getting a decent picture of me playing with the nip knot wasn't gonna happen and she decided to shoot a video instead.

These next pictures are total bloopers but they crack Mommy up so she decided to share them. I'm a bit embarrassed by how much I lost control but Mommy says there's nothing wrong with a kitty having fun.

Mommy thinks Gingy and I were quarreling here. I was just zonked out of my mind.

He's taunting me, isn't he?

Mommy and I both want to thank the Katzenworld kitties so very much for their purrfectly wonderful gifts. We couldn't have asked for a better Secret Paws!


Now would also be a good time to reveal that we sent our Secret Paws gifts to Henry and Iketani over at A House with Two Cats. We can't wait to see how they felt about everything we picked out for them.

Many thanks as well to Truffle and Brulee's mom Paula from Sweet Purrfections for organizing this wonderful event that makes many blogging kitties very, very happy.

Now I have a very important many days until Secret Paws 2018???


  1. Those are awesome presents! I think it's so much fun when they come from another country!

  2. What purrfect loot you received, Mudpie! We think that gingerbread man looks quite adorable, even if you and he had a bit of a quarrel. And we don't blame you one bit for going wild over that knot! Have a niptastic time with your presents!

  3. Too cute! It’s obvious Mudpie enjoyed her goodies. :)

  4. My goodness, that was such a nice big bunch of goodies and your video was fun too! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. Oh we just love that Katzenworld! They sent Cody toys months ago and that nip knot is just the best!!! They rock! catchatwithcarenandcody

  6. what a great package of toys, MP. You scored!

  7. What a fun Secret Paws package that is!

  8. Mudpie, you sure did rule that box like a boss. I can see you’re an only kitty! And you look so much like Scoutie in your video with the nip knot! You’re adorable. ❤️

  9. Mudpie, we can tell you had a wonderful time with all those lovely presents! We think Mr. Gingerbread Man would very popular here as well :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  10. You really scored. That gingerbread boy looks fun.

  11. Awwwww so glad Mudpie loft her pressies. :-)

  12. Oooh now anything with nip in gets me going, so I cant blame you for getting in a frenzy over that! Those guys at Katzenworld really came through on the Christmas sortie fun package. Love the video, we cats seem to be fair game when it comes to vids and nip sessions MOL
    Toodle pips

  13. Ha ha! Loving the blurry tortie shots. :) That looks like quite a great collection of gifts, Mudpie!

  14. Wow there go a lucky kitty! We loved this review of your Secret Paws delights but especially had fun watching that adorable video of you, Mudpie, rolling around with the lavender toy.

  15. Those blooper photos are too funny, Mudpie. Looks like you really enjoyed your Secret Paws gifts!
