
Wednesday, December 27, 2017

I'll Be Stylin' at the Vet In My Gen7Pets Carry-Me Sleeper Pet Carrier (& Surprise Giveaway!) #ChewyInfluencer

Meows from Mudpie!

Sadly, Christmas is over, and now I have something else on my mind. My annual wellness visit was due earlier this month but Mommy was super nice and said we could wait until after the holidays. That sounded really good at the time but I know a week from now the holidays will officially be done and my doom is imminent. (Maybe I can cross my paws and hope that a series of really bad snow storms will come and Mommy won't want to drive me to the vet?)

Anyways, when the dreaded day arrives I know that I'll be the most stylish kitty at the vet's office thanks to my brand new Gen7Pets Carry-Me Sleeper Pet Carrier that our good friends at sent me to try out. Mommy loves how easy it is to carry. No more dealing with the handles on my heavy hard-sided cat carrier, which wasn't comfortable for either of us because of all the jostling around inside. This soft-sided carrier has a comfortable shoulder strap (it also has handles if that's what you prefer) making it no different for her to carry than one of her many tote bags. I love that it makes me feel more safe and secure being close to her.

And the very best part? When I arrive at my destination (aka the exam table), Mommy can unzip me and the side panel becomes a cozy pull out fleece bed! Roomy side pockets will also allow me to bring along a toy or two, or maybe even a package of my favorite treats. All the comforts of home while on the road! The mesh windows will give me a great view while keeping me nice and cool during summer travels.

Did you know one of the best ways to make travel easier for your cat is to acclimate them to their carrier before you have to go anywhere? When my sleeper carrier arrived Mommy set it up in a corner for me so I can check it out and sneak a snooze there if I want. Since when she's home I always want to be on her lap or on the couch beside her she has no photographic evidence of this actually taking place, but the other day she noticed a bit of my fur on the bed so I've given it a test drive at some point when she wasn't around!!!

The Gen7Pets Carry-Me Sleeper Pet Carrier is brand new - it was launched at this year's SuperZoo - and is currently available at for $69.99 in a choice of two colors (Heather Gray or Heather Navy).


Guess what? Unfortunately I can't give away a pet carrier, but the nice peeps at Chewy have offered one lucky reader in the US one of their popular Meow You’re Talking Goody Boxes! Didn't get enough toys or treats for Christmas? Mudpie's gotcha covered!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: We received a Gen7Pets Carry-Me Sleeper Pet Carrier from as part of their Blogger Outreach Program in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are our own and we never recommend a product we don’t fully believe in.


  1. Your new carrier sounds great. I don't like the one Mom uses for me now. It's the hard-sided kind. I serenade her all the way to the Vet's, so she'll know how much I hate the trip.

  2. Wow, this sounds like an awesome carrier, like something I could use for therapy cat visits, or short distance travel!

  3. Sounds like a pawsome carrier! We use your basic hard-sided kind now.

  4. That carrier looks cool!
    However, it still takes you to the Vet!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  5. I have both a hard carriers and soft carrier. Thanks for the chance. Happy New Year.
    Sue B

  6. That looks like an excellent carrier! We have the hard-sided carriers for our cats, and I really want to replace them with something easier to deal with.

  7. We have a few different carriers...hard sided, soft sided. This one from Chewy looks nice.

  8. Mudpie, you will be stylish in your new carrier! Plus, I’m sure you will feel more comfy and safe. I need to consider getting one for my Hope. The hard plastic one we have is bulky and she gets so scared inside. (I love your little kitty imposter! Good luck tricking Mommy. Hee hee.)

  9. We have those very uncomfortable hard sided carriers. This carrier is like traveling first class and we sure would not mind going to the vet in style and comfort!

  10. I love the look of this carrier! We still use those not so cozy hard carriers. Evan has a nervous bladder and so I've learned it's best not to put him in a cloth carrier, and Eddy can't use a cozy cloth carrier because she goes berserk and tries to shred her way out of it. But, I'm thinking my girl Thimble could use a lovely carrier like this one!

    P.S. We love your plan, Mudpie. We're going to raid our mom's plush animal collection and find our doppelgangers, too. Purrs, Thimble

  11. I currently have standard hard, plastic carriers. I worry about the safety of my cats when I take them to the vet, etc. I would love something like this for taking them in to places like PetSmart, though.

  12. Sounds like a great carrier. I basically just have the regular plastic pet carrier.

  13. We don't currently have one.


  14. We have a hard sided carrier, a soft sided and a soft sided backpack on wheels.

  15. I have a Mr Peanut's soft-sided carrier.

  16. I have a plastic carrier. This would be wonderful. Thanks.

  17. My cat carrier is hard plastic . The giveaway carrier is super nice. My cat is 14 and could use to win this cat cozy, comfy, carrier.

  18. I have to borrow my in laws carrier that they use for their cat. It's one of those hard plastic ones which is nice but my cat is smaller and I would love to get her a soft one. I'm sure she doesn't like the smell of her cousin in the one I have to borrow LOL.

  19. MeOW Mudpie, that looks like a great carrier. We're lookin' fur somethin' kind'a like that. Sorry ya' have to go to the V E T. Raena's gotta go soon too. Sendin' hugs and purrayers fur an all clear.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  20. We use a hardsided carrier---that neither of the cats like. In fact, they run and hide when we bring it up from the basement.

  21. I used a wire carrier but I don't like using it for cats :(

  22. Whoa! Those are super nice carriers although don't believe the hype that if you leave a PTU out, it will be easier to get us into one come do-or-die time. It's never happened. My stupid, old Kennel Cab has been out for years now and they still can't get me in it.

  23. I don't know if this would be good for my Calumet. I can see her fussing and clawing me through the sides. The others might be OK with it.

    1. I can't recall the brand, but I have a few hard plastic airline approved carriers. Pet Kennel, perhaps.

  24. Great carrier. Thanks for the recommendation, Mudpie!

  25. i have a soft meshy type carrier but this one is much nicer!

  26. That is a nice carrier, we have the hard plastic kind.

  27. Looks like a nice carrier. I'll check it out next time I'm on Chewy's. Thanks for the chance to win.

  28. I have a soft sided cat carrier, but my boys could use a new carrier. I will have to check out carrier on Chewy's. Thanks for the info. Happy New Year, Melissa and Mudpie!

  29. That's a really cool carrier, Mudpie. Yes, you shall be stylin'!

  30. i have a small mess carrier by Sherpa. it is very well made, has wide straps, 2 entrances.

  31. Just a standard plastic pink cat carrier

  32. Happy mew year!!! I love the carrier!! I'm just wondering, what's the weight limit on it? I have an 8 month old Maine Coon mix who is already almost 11 lbs!! When full weight! Geesh!! He travels a lot for his modeling exploits. Wondering if this would hold him? Hmmm LOVE the Meow You're Talking Box!!! What a great idea!! Mango would love it!

  33. "What kind of cat carrier do you currently use?" We currently use your typical slate-blue hard-plastic carrier. Fortunately, it's better than those horrible wire ones people used years ago (and hopefully no more). One of our kittens or young cats, decades ago, came home from the vet and promptly decided to run at full speed, while within the carrier, through the wires, to escape the carrier. She got her three-inch (or so) head through the one-inch (or so) space and while we or the vet then managed to bend the wires to get her out of her self-entrapment, her voice was permanently damaged.

  34. Right now we are using a run of mill hard carrier for the kitties.

  35. We use an small, old dog carrier. We put a blanket in there to keep Yoshi comfy.

  36. i use a big bulky one which also happens to be borrowed. i would love to own my own.
