
Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Ghosts of Boxes Past

Meows from Mudpie!

Are you out shopping for Boxing Day? Would you believe Mommy had to go back to work today??? We had a purrfect Christmas together and will be telling you all about our pawsome Secret Paws package very soon, but in the meantime we hope you'll enjoy this look back at some of my favorite Ghosts of Boxes Past...


  1. There's nothing like a good box, Mudpie.

  2. You are the master of boxes, aren't you, Mudpie? Just look how cozy you are in all of those boxes of yours! Christmas deliveries left us with some mighty fine boxes around here, too. We know it's a bit sad when Christmas is over, but around here we celebrate the Twelve Days of Christmas, and today is only the Second Day, so we're still festively partying! Merry Second Day of Christmas, Mudpie and Melissa!

  3. You sure have had some great boxes, Mudpie!

  4. You are a box of purr-fection, in every photo, Mudpie!

  5. Those are some great boxes, Mudpie! Happy Boxing Day!

  6. What a montage of Mudpie-in-a-box photos! Brava!

  7. MeOW That's a lot of cat lady boxes. You be lookin' adorable. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  8. Hee hee that's a great idea on Boxing Day!!
    I love to play in boxes too - and I REALLY love playing with all the left over gift wrap.
    Lots of licks, your good friend Morrie!

  9. I think there's someone there watching you, MP.

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