
Friday, February 14, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day!

We're entering our Valentine's Day art in Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our weekly answers for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

Mommy's answers:

1. I always carry Excedrin with me. I get headaches frequently so I always have some tucked away in my purse. I used to carry Goody's Headache Powders too until I realized little plastic sleeves of a white powdery substance didn't look very good (or legal).

2. I would love to know why our mail delivery has been so horrible lately? During the holiday season we seldom saw mail before 8PM. I figured it would get better once the holidays were over but it's only getting worse! This past week we had no mail delivery on Friday or Saturday, but then 2 deliveries on Sunday. Then no mail on Monday, but 2 deliveries on Tuesday. It's absolute insanity! The entire neighborhood is complaining but nothing changes.

Mudpie's answers:

3. I express my love in the form of purring. When Mommy first adopted me she remarked on how quiet my purr was, especially since otherwise I was a big mouth tortie! Now my motor really revs up when I'm in a lovey dovey mood.

4. Mommy's love makes me feel like the luckiest individual alive. She worships me and shows it every day. I only wish every kitty in the world could be as fortunate as me. 


  1. My human was curious about Goody's Headache Powders, so she looked them up... and they would KILL her! She is highly allergic to aspirin. Fortunately she doesn't get headaches very often and when she does, all she can do it take Tylenol.

  2. Our mail is pretty regular. We do not have home delivery and have to go to neighbourhood mail boxes. WE also do not have weekend delivery.
    We could not imaging them delivering mail at night!
    Happy Valentines Day sweeties!!!!
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie

  3. 💗Heartshaped Pawkisses for a Happy Valentine's Day🐾😽💞

  4. Awww! With a picture like that, you'll have at least a dozen fine guys knocking at your door + your moms heart forever!

  5. Purr-ecious! Give Mommy lots of love (and purrs), today, Mudpie.

  6. Beautiful Valentine Mudpie! Too funny about the Goody's - MOL!

  7. Aww, so sweet! A purrfect Valentine!
    Same to you, Mudpie and Melissa!

  8. If you go to the USPS website, I believe there is a place to lodge a complaint. If the upper management learns of a problem, it may be acted upon!
    Good luck.
    Whisker kisses to all!

  9. Good answers and we've had continual problems with USPS forever especially when FedEx and UPS pass off packages for deliver by them. Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us!

  10. Great answers! Happy Valentines Day!

  11. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your mom, Mudpie!

  12. Happy Valentine's Day! We're MOL @ the white powder!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  13. Happy Valentine's Day, Mudpie!! We just love the beautiful heartshaped piece of you. Thanks for sharing your lovely fill-in answers from you and your mom. Have a fantastic rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  14. Happy Valentine's Day, Mudpie!
    Our mail delivery is terrible too. Sometimes we only get it twice a week. I think it is because we are on a farm and the mailman can't be bothered to open the gate to drive down our track.

  15. Happy Valentine's Day, Mudpie and Melissa! And thank you both for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I also always carry painkiller with me, but usually ibuprofen is the one that helps my headaches the best. I got a giggle out of your white powdery substance comment. And your mail service sounds like pure chaos. I guess we're lucky in that, except on very rare occasions, our mail pretty much shows up every single day between 10 am and 11 am. Our mailman is also very nice. Mudpie, we have no doubt your purr is absolutely adorable! Around here, the loudest purr probably belongs to Evan, with Thimble coming in at a close second. And there's no doubt that your mommy loves you so much, Mudpie, and that you love her. Purrs!

  16. Happy Valentine’s Day! May your day be filled with lots of love.

  17. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins great answers. #1 cracked me up- good idea to switch to pill form :) Sorry you get headaches though. Happy Valentine's Day! XO

  18. HAH! Your mom with a glassine bag with powder. HAH! FOX News would give us headaches too! Your mom is too funny. Happy V-Day MP.

  19. What a sweet beauty, dear Mudpie. Dad's right there with your first answer. He can't go anywhere without having a supply of ibuprofen within reach due to migraines.

  20. We enjoyed reading your answers and also want to compliment you and your human on your beautiful pink and blue shaped presence. We're sorry bout the headaches, she's had one for a week and can't get rid of it. Go away, bad headache. Also we enjoyed hearing about your purring details!!~ The purring of us cats is a wonderful gift!

  21. Beautiful! Hope you had a nice Valentine's Day :)

  22. We love your Valentine's art, Mudpie! Happy belated Valentine's Day to you and Mom!

  23. What a beautiful Valentine. Belated Happy Valentine's to you and your Mum.

  24. Mudpie, you make the sweetest statement in that pink and pearly heart. Chin nuzzles and nose kisses.

  25. Such beautiful art of an exquisite tortie. Astrid has the loudest purr any of us have ever heard. You are a lucky kitty to have such a terrific mom and home. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  26. Happy belated Valentine's Day to one cute cat!
