
Sunday, January 31, 2021

Finders Keepers #SundaySelfie

Meows from Mudpie!

Late last winter Mommy bought a pair of fleece pj pants on clearance at Walmart for a measly buck, but when she brought them home and tried them on they were waaaaay too big. For the sake of a dollar they weren't worth taking the time to return, so they were bound for the Goodwill pile, but then the China virus struck and Goodwill trips came to a stop.

This fall she wondered if maybe I might like to use them as a blankie so she tossed them on the bed. More than once I've walked over them and made a few biscuits on them but that's about it. Friday night I disappeared and when Mommy went looking for me she found me curled up on top of them! That's how I am with lots of things, I have to discover them on my own, but they're super cozy and all mine now! I think the leopard print looks really nice with my tortie furs too.

We're joining our friends at The Cat On My Head for the Sunday Selfies blog hop!

Saturday, January 30, 2021

The Key To My Heart #CaturdayArt

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our answers for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

Mommy's answers:

1. So far 2021 is looking no better than 2020.

2. Curbside pickup was a pleasant surprise. Since the beginning of the pandemic I've still been going into any shop I needed to, but in the past few weeks I've used curbside pickup at Panera, PetSmart, and Five Guys, and I kind of like not having to leave the car!

Mudpie's answers:

3. A song title that best describes my life is My Way.

4. I learned that zooming through the house without paying attention to where I'm going is a recipe for disaster. One day Mommy was getting the mail and I ended up on the front step!

Friday, January 29, 2021


Meows from Mudpie!

Thank you for joining us for the first Pet Photo Fails Blog Hop of 2021! So far this year feels like a sad continuation of 2020, doesn't it?

My photo fail this month was taken last week as Mommy was harassing me for a selfie. It's too close, too dark, slightly blurry, my ears are missing...and what's that strange shadow behind me? Creepy!!! 

Today I also want to take a moment to wish my wonderful grandpa a happy birthday. He's had a pretty rough go of it over the past year, from pacemaker surgery last summer to a nasty fall in the driveway a few weeks ago. He's on the mend but has been in a lot of pain. Could my kitty friends all get together and send him some serious purr therapy for his birthday?

Now let's see those bloopers!

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Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Unboxing January's CatLadyBox

The theme of January's CatLadyBox was Mew Year's what was inside!

Featured Cat Lady Artist: Sara Gontero

Mew Year 2021 Shirt: We were excited to bury 2020 in the litter box but so far 2021 isn't much of an improvement. Hopefully wearing this tee will help brighten things up a bit!

Brilliant Cat Glasses: These glasses are absolutely stunning! I think they're going to look gorgeous with LED fairy lights in them. 

Fluffy Snowball Cat Pen: My Angel Sashi used to always try to catch my pen when I was writing. I have a feeling she would've been a huge fan of this one!

Petie the Penguin Catnip Toy: Have I ever mentioned that I have a small penguin collection? I tucked little Petie in with a few others on my bed and I'm waiting to see if Mudpie discovers it and pulls him out.

Flurry Snowballs Cat Toy: Pom poms on a string! I think Mudpie may have specifically requested this item :) 

Not a subscriber yet? Visit CatLadyBox today!

Interested in purchasing individual items from past boxes? You can do that too!

Disclosure: I receive a discount on my CatLadyBox subscription as a thank you for my monthly review. Regardless of compensation received, we only share information we feel is relevant to our readers.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Getting To Know Me...

Meows from Mudpie!

Some of my kitty blogging friends have been answering these questions from a Facebook meme so I thought I would take a shot at them... 

1. My name is: Mudpie

2. My nickname: So many! Sweet pea, Precious, Peanut, Mudpie Mash, Mudster, Muddy Macaroni.

3. My breed is: Domestic Shorthair Tortoiseshell

4. My age is: 7

5. My favorite human food: Greek yogurt

6. My biggest fear: Running out of squeezies

7. My favorite thing to do: Nap with Mommy

8. My favorite toy: The very first toy that was all mine, an animal print mousie. We call her Baby.

9. Do I love car rides? No, but I'm not a terror in the car either like some kitties.

10. Do I snore? Mommy says I do!

11. Where do I sleep? In the bedroom with Mommy - in my own cat bed during the summer and in the big girl bed snuggled up as close as possible to Mommy in the winter.

12. Who is my favorite human: Mommy, of course.

Do any of my answers surprise you?
Is there anything else you'd like to know about me? 
My life is an open

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Caturday Art

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our answers for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

Mommy's answers:

1. Why bad things happen to good people is a mystery I would love to know the answer to.

2. Boston is the farthest I have ever been from home. Just a few hours away too.

Mudpie's answers:

3. I've lost count of how many times I sleep most of the day away after intending to take just a short nap. Is this a common cat problem or am I the only one? MOL

4. Listening to the news reminds me of why I'm so thankful I'm a cat. Mommy says she plans to start watching a lot less of it. Something about how her blood pressure can't handle it...

Friday, January 22, 2021

2021 Valentine's Day Gift Ideas for Cats & Cat Moms from Etsy

Meows from Mudpie!

Just like previous years Mommy wasn't planning on a Valentine's Day gift guide but I talked her into it by reminding her of all the cool things we find on Etsy! We've broken our picks down into gifts for cats and gifts for cat moms, so there's a little something for everybody!

We hope you enjoy our picks, and don't forget, if you find something here you like and make a purchase using our affiliate links, I get a little money for my piggy bank so I can buy something special for Mommy on Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

First Felines: A History of Cats in the White House

The following article was originally published on the Canidae website and removed when their blog shut down. I'm happy to say it won a Cat Writers Association Certificate of Excellence last year in the Written Article: Lifestyle category. We thought today would be an appropriate time to republish it here, with only the ending slightly changed to reflect current news.

No matter which side of the political aisle you’re on, one thing all pet lovers can agree on is that the White House should always have at least one four-legged occupant. Over the course of our country’s nearly 250-year history a wide range of animals have resided at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue but today we’re going to take a look at the First Felines. 

Incredibly, I could only find evidence of 12 Presidents that have been owned by a cat! (Wouldn't you think the most stressful job in the world could use loads of purr therapy???) While Bill Clinton’s Socks is probably the most well-known, here’s a look at some others that deserve their fair share of the limelight... 

Abraham Lincoln

Our 16th President was the first to bring a cat into the White House. He actually adored cats, going so far as to feed his son's cat Tabby with a gold fork at White House dinners, which the First Lady considered shameful. When asked if her husband had a hobby, Mary Todd Lincoln replied, “cats.” During the Civil War, on a visit to General Grant's headquarters in the middle of winter, he found three stray kittens in the telegraph hut. When he learned their mother was dead he made sure the kittens would be fed and a good home found for them.

Rutherford B Hayes

President Hayes reportedly owned the first Siamese cat to come to the United States. Siam was a gift to Hayes and his wife Lucy in 1879 from the American Consul in Bangkok. Several months after arriving Siam became sick and despite intervention from the president's personal physician she couldn't be saved.

William McKinley

President McKinley may have been owned by a pair of Turkish Angora cats, Valeriano Weyler, named for the governor of Cuba, and Enrique DeLome, named after Spain’s Ambassador. The true story is lost to history, but some reports say that shortly after the kittens were born the Spanish-American war broke out. In an effort to “make a political statement,” the President’s wife Ida ordered them to be drowned. Another source says the McKinleys never owned cats, and the drowning story is just a myth. Let’s hope so! 

Photo: National Archives

Officer Benjamin Fink holds Tige, the Coolidge's cat, at the White 
House on March 25, 1924.

Calvin Coolidge

Vermont's own President Calvin Coolidge and his wife Grace practically ran a zoo! Among their many cats were Mud, Bounder, Smokey, Blackie, Timmy and Tige. Timmy and Coolidge's canary actually napped together! Tige traveled the White House around the President's neck and when he went missing, Coolidge appealed to the people by calling for their help on a radio address. After being found he was fitted with a special collar that contained his White House address, but after going missing a second time he was never found.

Woodrow Wilson

The 28th President’s two cats were named Mittens and Puffins. Both enjoyed jumping on the dining room table during family meals. 

Teddy Roosevelt’s youngest son Quentin Roosevelt with the six-toed Slippers

Teddy Roosevelt

President Roosevelt's six-toed cat named Slippers loved to nap in the White House hallways, requiring the guests at a state banquet to detour around her on their way to the dining room! Their second cat Tom Quartz was named after the cat in Roughing It by Mark Twain. 

Photo: National Archives

John F Kennedy

President Kennedy's daughter Caroline had to find a new home for her cat Tom Kitten (named after the beloved Beatrix Potter character) when it was discovered the President was allergic. He died at a very young age and was given an obituary in a local newspaper.

Gerald Ford

Sealpoint Siamese Shan Shein (named after a city in China) was owned by President Ford’s daughter Susan. When Susan was in school Shan would often hide under the bed in the Lincoln bedroom. Unfortunately the Fords had Shan declawed to prevent furniture scratching. 

Photo: National Archives

Jimmy Carter

The Carter family also had a sealpoint Siamese named Misty Malarky Ying Yang. In spite of the female name that inspired a musical composition by Gabor Szabo, Misty was a male cat! He was particularly devoted to daughter Amy, and could often be found curled up in her favorite spot-Amy’s indoor doll house. 

Photo: National Archives

Ronald Reagan

Although technically not White House cats (these two kitties lived at their California ranch), Ronald and Nancy had a pair of torties, Cleo and Sara! Apparently many cats lived at the Reagan ranch but they were only photographed with the torties, so they must have been extra special!

President George W Bush

Three cats resided in the Bush White House. India was named after baseball player Ruben “El Indio” Sierra of the Texas Rangers, the baseball team Bush owned at the time. India, nicknamed Willie, was very reclusive and preferred spending her time in the library. She died just before the Bush family left the White House. Ernie, named after Ernest Hemingway, became “too wild” to live in the White House and was sent to live with friends, and Cowboy died of kidney disease shortly after Bush took office.

Rumor has it there will soon be a new First Cat in the White House. One thing is certain, she will have her paws full keeping the DC rats (both four-legged and otherwise) in line!

Do you have a favorite Presidential Pet?

Monday, January 18, 2021

January Retro Country Rewind #MewsicMovesMe

It's been a couple years since we premiered our mewsic feature "Retro Country Rewind," a look back at favorite songs that hit #1 during that month from 30, 35, 40 plus years ago. In this new year we'll be delving into #1 hits from 1971, 1976, 1981, and so on. Let's take a look at January for this freebie week in the Mewsic Moves Me blog hop...

45 Years Ago - 1976, This Time I've Hurt Her More Than She Loves Me, Conway Twitty

40 Years Ago - 1981, 9 to 5, Dolly Parton

40 Years Ago - 1981, One in a Million, Johnny Lee

40 Years Ago - 1981, I Feel Like Loving You Again, T.G. Sheppard

35 Years Ago - 1986, Bop, Dan Seals

35 Years Ago - 1986, Never Be You, Rosanne Cash

I adore every one of these songs and honestly don't have a favorite (after Conway, of course.) 
Do you?

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Maple Mudpie #SundaySelfie

Meows from Mudpie!

This week Mommy helped me snap my selfie while I was patiently waiting for my squeezie. The picture turned out really dark so we ran it through the various filters on her phone and liked how the "Maple" effect looked. Maple Mudpie...doesn't that make me sound extra yummy?

We're joining our friends at The Cat On My Head for the Sunday Selfies blog hop!

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Caturday Art

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our answers for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

Melissa's answers:

1. I learned that constantly worrying is pointless and unhealthy the hard way. That doesn't stop me though. 

2. Everyone should rescue a pet at least once in their lives. They say money can't buy happiness, but it actually does in the form of an adoption fee!

Mudpie's answers:

3. Lately, I've been thinking a lot about homeless kitties with no one to cuddle during the long, cold winter. I sure am a lucky girl. 

4. I'll never be too old to bat around a pom pom. I can't resist! 

Friday, January 15, 2021

Mudpie Interviews...Mona Lisa from Paula Darnell's Fine Art Mystery Series

Artist Amanda Trent, accompanied by her beloved golden retriever Laddie and her persnickety calico cat Mona Lisa, is determined to start a new life after her husband divorces her to marry a younger woman, but it isn’t easy.

After a disastrous interview at the prestigious Roadrunner Gallery in Lonesome Valley, Arizona, far away from her previous home in Kansas City, Amanda’s afraid that she’ll fail at her new career. But her prospects begin to improve when she’s accepted as the newest member of the cooperative gallery.

Then, on her very first day, she discovers Janice, the stern director, has been murdered right in the art gallery, and the Roadrunner’s members, including Amanda herself, become suspects. Which gallery member murdered the unpopular director? Or was the killer an outsider with an ax to grind?

Mudpie was very excited to have the opportunity to interview Mona Lisa, the feline star of this series. We hope you enjoy learning more about her!

Welcome, Mona Lisa! Thank you so much for chatting with me today. Could you start by telling us a little about yourself and how you came to live with Amanda?

Meowrrr! I'm a beautiful calico kitty—just ask my Mommy Amanda. She adopted me from an animal shelter when I was an abandoned kitten and now I rule the house. I like to hide from her sometimes or pretend I don't care what she's doing, but I'm only teasing.

What's a typical day like for you?

If Mommy doesn't wake up early, I like to pounce on her head. That usually does the trick. Then I get to have my breakfast; that's important. Mommy puts my food on one side of the kitchen and somebody else's (hint: there's a big dog in the house, too) on the other side, so he doesn't bother me. Whenever Mommy goes into her art studio to paint, I like to hang out on the top of my kitty tree where I can curl up and take a cat nap. It's a good spot to keep an eye on You-Know-Who because there's no way he can reach me. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah!

Tell us about Artistic License to Kill, the new Fine Art Mystery you star in.

We moved to Lonesome Valley so Mommy could set up her own art studio and make her living from painting. She needed to get a new start in life after her husband divorced her (I guess he was having a mid-life crisis because he married his twenty-five-year-old assistant, and he's at least fifty, if he's a day). Anyway, things were going well in our new town, and Mommy got to join the Roadrunner Art Gallery so she had a great place to sell her paintings. (The more she sells, the more kitty treats for me.) Of course, life can't ever go too smoothly for long, and when Mommy went to the gallery for her first day, she and her friend Susan found the gallery director lying on the floor. Somebody had bashed her over the head with her own bronze sculpture. There's a lot more to the story, but you'll have to read Artistic License to Kill to find out what happened!

The book description calls you a persnickety calico. I'm a tortie myself and you may have heard we're known to have a bit of tortitude. Does your attitude ever get you into any trouble?

Who, me? Trouble? Surely you jest.

Who's the pup on the cover with you? Do you two get along?

Sigh! His name is Laddie, and he's a golden retriever. I have to share Mommy with him, which, honestly, is a bit much sometimes. Mostly, he leaves me alone because I like to show him who's boss. He doesn't even interfere when Mommy plays the feather toy game with me. He just lies there and watches. See? I told you I'm in charge!

Can you give us any clues as to what's next for you and Amanda?

Psst! I can tell you in confidence that Mommy's going to have another adventure. It's called Vanished into Plein Air, and you'll be able to read all about it very soon. In the meantime, I've arranged for a sneak peek of the cover and an excerpt from the first chapter if you go to

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Pet Bloggers Journey 2021

Today we're excited to be participating in the Pet Bloggers Journey 2021 hosted by Puppy In Training. It's a great way to join fellow bloggers in reflecting on the past year while making plans for the one to come.

When did you begin your blog and what do you currently write about on your blog?

I started blogging in August 2011. Mochas, Mysteries and Meows is the purr-fect destination for everyone who embraces a cozy, cat-centric lifestyle. It's primary focus is to chronicle my cat lady life with Mudpie alongside reviews of products for both cats and cat moms and sharing the knowledge I've accumulated in four decades of life with cats.

Name one thing about your blog, or one blogging goal that you accomplished during 2020, that made you most proud.

I'm extremely proud to have won my 2nd Muse Medallion and 4 more Certificates of Excellence in the Cat Writers' Association Communications Contest. 

Which of your 2020 posts was most popular with your audience? Why do you think it does so well?

Posts from my Fun Feline Finds column are consistently popular. Top of the list this year was one I wrote on Ziploc storage containers featuring cute graphics of Christmas cats. I guess cat people just love shopping for cat stuff!

What was the biggest blogging challenge you faced in 2020, and how did you tackle it?

Loss of focus was my greatest struggle in 2020. Between stress from both world events and family obligations I lost the ability to tune everything out and just write. I haven't tackled it yet because 2021 is shaping up to be much of the same. I'm going to try harder to crack down on myself though. 

Tell us one thing you learned in 2020 that can help us all become better bloggers.

Write what you're inspired to write. Don't try to force something that just isn't there. Be yourself, be authentic, write from the heart.

What are your top three goals for 2021?

My main goal is to get back to writing evergreen content. My writing life suffered in 2020 for the same reasons as my reading life. I also plan to jumpstart Mudpie's interview series with real and fictional felines, and the good news is this will start on Friday! She's a tortie and a very chatty girl!

In the perfect world, where do you see yourself and your blog 1 year from now?

I just hope to still have a voice online. With the current attacks on our freedom of speech, I'm not so sure. 

If you had a $1,000 to spend on your blog how would you spend it?

I would spend half on cat-related items we could feature on our blog, and the other half on Mudpie's beloved squeezies. She is the star of the show, after all, and deserves proper compensation!

What is one skill you’d like to learn or improve in 2021?

Photo editing and blog graphics. Last year I cancelled my paid PicMonkey subscription because I didn't feel I was using it enough to warrant the cost, but since then I've struggled to find an alternative.

If you could ask the pet blogging community for help with one challenge you’re having with your blog, what would it be?

I would love to ask our readers what they want to see more of on the blog. Do you have a favorite feature? A topic you would like us to cover? Please let us know!!!

Monday, January 11, 2021

Bait and Witch by Angela M. Sanders - Blog Tour with Excerpt and Giveaway

Librarian Josie Way moved to small-town Oregon to lay low. Instead, thanks to newfound magic abilities—and a killer on the loose—she’s leapt out of the frying pan and into a cauldron of trouble...

Josie Way loved working among the Library of Congress’s leather-scented stacks—until she uncovered corruption and made herself a target. As Wilfred, Oregon’s new librarian, Josie can stay undercover until the case goes to court. But life in this little town isn’t as subdued as she expected. The library, housed in a a Victorian mansion, is slated to be bulldozed. Still digesting the news that her safe haven is about to become scrap lumber, Josie discovers a body in the woods...

Almost as shocking, Josie learns that she’s descended from a long line of witches—and her powers have suddenly sprung to life. With help from a spoiled alley cat who just may be her familiar, Josie’s thumbing through a catalog of suspects, hoping she can conjure a way to save her library—and her life...


I dropped into the armchair. What a morning. My office door nudged open, and the black cat I’d seen last night slipped through. The tip of one ear was missing, and a pinkish scar shone through the black fur on its edge. He fixed me with eyes the color of rye whiskey.

“Hello, kitty.” I dropped a hand for him to smell. “Did I do wrong by answering that ad in the Library Gazette? I’m not needed here, but I can’t go home.”

The cat pawed at the bookshelf, pulling a flyer to the floor. I reached down to put it back and saw it was a schedule of the month’s events. The library hosted weekly classes in English as a second language. Probably helpful for the field workers. Thursdays were organ lessons—the library had an organ?—and once a month, the knitting club met in the conservatory. I’d just missed an afternoon tea with “Original poems by Wilfred resident Helen Garlington.” The library was a community center, it seemed.

I set the flyer on the desk.

“Okay, so they do need me—as an events coordinator, at the least. And they probably need help cataloguing and packing up the books for storage once the library is history. Then I’ll be homeless, like you.”

The cat pointed his head toward the kitchen, where two ceramic bowls on the floor caught my eyes. “Rodney” was painted on one. Apparently the cat belonged to the library.

“Funny little guy. I almost believe you understand me.”

The cat stretched, reaching out one paw then the other, and leapt onto the chair’s arm. He bumped my shoulder with his head.

In the past twelve hours, everything had changed. I’d fled across the country to a nonexistent town and taken a job in a library that would soon be bulldozed. I was dreaming again, remembering my childhood. And now I’d turned into Dr. Dolittle.

“What’s happening to me, Rodney?”

The cat, still purring, rolled to his back. On his lower belly where the fur was thin was a star-shaped birthmark, clear and dark and sharp. Just like mine.

About the author:

Angela M. Sanders writes the Amazon bestselling Joanna Hayworth Vintage Clothing Mysteries and The Booster Club Capers. Under the pen name Clover Tate, she’s the author of the Kite Shop Mysteries (Berkley), which Romantic Times praised for their “well written wit and intrigue.” Angela’s articles on food, personalities, and perfume have appeared in a variety of magazines, and her monthly newsletters have nearly 2,000 subscribers. She interacts with readers on Facebook and Instagram and is a prominent blogger for Now Smell This, which garners 1.5 million monthly page views. Angela has two cats—one of whom is black of course—a witch’s freckle in her left eye and learned to read tarot cards from a pagan priestess.

Author Links:





Sunday, January 10, 2021

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Caturday Art

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our answers (all answered by Mommy this week) for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

Mudpie's answers:

1. I hope the squeezies recipe never changes. It tastes purrfect just the way it is!

2. The luckiest I have ever been was the day Mommy saw me online and decided to adopt me.

Mommy's answers:

3. I never thought I would get my drivers license, but I did. 

4. I'm waiting for 2021 to get better. Too bad we weren't given a free 7 day trial so we could cancel it right now.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Feline Flashback Friday: Memories of Sebastian

If you're anything like me, you can recite the Gotcha Days and Rainbow Bridge Days of each beloved pet without second thought, but dates regarding the humans in your life require a bit more brain power.

July 7th has become the most dreaded day of the year for me (the date I lost both Tara and Truffles) but for 3 years in a row in the late '90s January 8th was a date I would've been happy to banish from the calendar forever.

On that date in 1999 I lost my Uncle Bob who was like a second father to me, in 1998 an ice storm struck the northeast and we were without power and bailing water from the basement for days, and on January 8, 1997 my beautiful tuxedo boy Sebastian went to the Bridge. 24 years ago today...

He was a neighborhood rescue left behind by a neighbor when they moved away. He then ended up in the care of an elderly couple across the road from us. When the wife passed away, a gold digger moved in on the husband and we feared the cat was on his way out. Over a period of months in late 1993 we turned him into a wonderful housecat after spending the majority of his life outside.

One of my favorite memories of Sebastian came on November 7, 1993. (Yes, I remember the exact date.) I had won tickets to a Billy Ray Cyrus concert (don't judge) in Montreal - by limo! When the limo came to pick us up that afternoon my mother and I were running around the yard trying to find him because we didn't want him stuck outside until we got home late that night - which only by the grace of God we did! The limo driver took a wrong turn in Montreal and we ended up driving into multiple lanes of oncoming traffic. It's truly a miracle something horrible didn't happen.

We don't know exactly how old Sebastian was once we officially adopted him, but he had to be in his teens looking back at how long we had seen him in the neighborhood. In September 1996 he was diagnosed with advanced kidney disease, and in spite of my father learning to administer subcutaneous fluids, Sebastian made his journey to the Rainbow Bridge on January 8, 1997.

Sebastian didn't have the easiest life. Many times through the years our hearts broke seeing him outside in all kinds of adverse weather conditions. But for the few years that he was a part of my family, he knew he was loved.

Feline Friday is simple to join. All you have to do is:

Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (They may be silly or cute).

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Unboxing December's CatLadyBox

The theme of December's CatLadyBox was Meowy's what was inside!

Featured Cat Lady Artist: My Zoetrope

Cat's Meow Hoodie: In the spring and fall I wear hoodies outside, and during the winter I wear them as an extra layer inside, so I love having a selection to choose from each day. 

Ameowzing Ceramic Bowl Set: So chic & stylish, and they match last month's dish towels too.

Meowy Cupcake Scented Hand Cream: Love the scent, but love the packaging even more! The tube has cat ears!!! This will remain on display in my bathroom even once the hand cream is used up.

Pretty Purresent & Swirly Candy Cane Cat Toys: These toys are so adorable I *almost* added them to my Christmas decor instead of giving them to Mudpie...but I didn't.

Not a subscriber yet? Visit CatLadyBox today!

Interested in purchasing individual items from past boxes? You can do that too!

Disclosure: I receive a discount on my CatLadyBox subscription as a thank you for my monthly review. Regardless of compensation received, we only share information we feel is relevant to our readers.