
Friday, January 13, 2023

2023, We Need To Have a Chat...

Meows from Mudpie!

Some of you might remember that before Christmas we posted that my Grandpa was in the hospital and not doing well at all. We were bracing ourselves for the worst, but are very happy to say he has significantly improved, enough so he plans to go to rehab to regain some of his strength.

We've had even more than that going on though, and thought it was time to catch everyone up.

On December 29 Mommy started feeling like she was catching a cold. As the weekend went on she was getting achy and started thinking maybe it was the flu instead. She stopped visiting the hospital. By Wednesday, January 4, still not feeling 100%, she decided she'd better take a COVID test. It came back positive. Then Grandma took a test, and she was positive too. Three years of avoiding COVID and they had to catch it now, of all times! 

On Friday, January 6, a room opened up at rehab for Grandpa. He was given a COVID test prior to leaving the hospital, and he was positive too!!! Seems the couple times Mommy visited him thinking she just had a cold, she managed to infect him. (She's not Typhoid Mary, she's COVID Melissa!!!) So then he had to remain in isolation at the hospital for 5 days, but thankfully remained asymptomatic.

Mommy and Grandma convalesced at home. With the exception of a horrible sore throat and achy legs, Mommy got through it with no trouble. Grandma's main complaints were intense weakness, fatigue, and nausea. On Tuesday she, uh, how do I put it delicately? She felt the need to bring up a hairball, but only produced blood. Mommy immediately called 911, Grandma was admitted to the hospital, and it appears her ongoing issues with anemia are a bigger problem for her right now than COVID.

So right now both of my grandpawrents are in the hospital. Grandma is undergoing tests to find out where the bleeding is coming from, and Grandpa should be cleared for rehab early next week.

I'm doing my best to take care of Mommy, but she's a basket case. Both Grandma and Grandpa have had lots of health issues over the past several years, and Mommy has continually told them they had to take turns, so they haven't followed her instructions.

On top of everything else, Mommy's favorite NASCAR driver Kevin Harvick announced his retirement yesterday. It wasn't a surprise, but she's still heartbroken.

2023, you need a serious attitude adjustment, because you're not even 2 weeks old and we're already through with you!!!

OMC, and it's Friday the 13th today too! If anyone needs me, I'll be under the bed...


  1. Oh no! Your poor family have really been through it! I am glad your grandpa has improved and will soon be able to go into rehab.I am sending good wishes for your grandma that they can find where the blood is coming from, and that your mom is soon feeling better too. I agree, 2023 needs to buck it's ideas up.

  2. Dear Mudpie, Lynn and I, Precious, have certainly been wondering how your grandpae was doing. Certainly never dreamed that all three of you were also dealing with covid. Lynn tries so hard to keep it away from the house by wearing her mask Wherever She Goes. But you know it doesn't always work does it?. I sure hope your mommy's parents are sitting sorted out and on the mend. It sounds like you have to run the house for now and I know you will do a great kitty cat job.

  3. Yikes! That is not a good way to start the New Year :(
    Mum and I send lots of purrs and good wishes to your folks as well as you. Purrs to you Mudpie as you have your paws full looking after your mum. We purr you all recover and that the rest of 2023 will be kind and that there are many happy days ahead!
    Purrs, Julie and the mum

  4. This isn't the way to start the year! Sending lots of purrs to your family and hoping everyone is feeling better soon.

  5. Hope you all recover soon! Double Healing Pawkisses for effurryone🐾😽💞

  6. Oh my goodness- I hope everyone makes a complete recovery very soon! Take care of yourself!

  7. Thanks for the update, such a horrible start to the year and we're all sending mega purrs and prayers your way.

  8. Sending purrayers that everyody is better soon !

  9. That is a bad start to the year. I will be praying for your grandparents. XO

  10. Oh, dear. Prayers all around for everyone to recover soon. Thanks for joining the Feline Friday blog hop, i hope your year improves dramatically after this.

  11. I am so sorry to hear this! Many hopes and purrs from us for everyone to recover quickly and completely!

  12. Wow, that is a lot to deal with!! We are sending lots of healing purrs and love to your family. We truly hope everyone feels better and gets better very soon!

  13. Let’s hope the rest of 2023 will be much better! Good news, though, that everyone feels better. Give Mommy lots of snuggles (and purrs), Mudpie.

  14. Oh Mudpie, I am so sorry to hear that 2023 has started out so awful. But I am glad that your grandpa is doing better. You're such a good kitty and I know you're taking care of your mom during this stressful time. Hugs to you all!

  15. Oh no! We are so sorry to hear 2023 is treating your family so poorly, Mudpie. We're purring and praying your mommy, grandma, and grandpa get better soon.

    Hopefully, you are just getting all the icky stuff out of the way early, and the rest of year is much more pleasant.

  16. Holy Carp...that's a lot to deal with. (((hugs))) to your Mommy and purrs and prayers for your Grandma and Grandpa.

  17. Purrs and prayers. I'd recommend asking the doctor to check for glyphosate levels in any & all disorders that involve internal bleeding--often caused by something else, but STILL likely to correlate with amount of blood and unpleasantness of symptoms. (Nobody's spraying at this time of year, but they were/are when/where food was grown.)

    I thought "How can anyone mistake COVID for a cold?" and then remembered that both kinds of virus went around at the same time, so it was possible to have BOTH TOGETHER. {{{empathy}}} Hope they're both gone by now and the'rents are feeling better too.

  18. A few seem to get everything that is not good. Take care.

  19. I certainly can't complain about my 2023 after reading this, Mudpie and Melissa. We are sending lots and lots of purrs, woofs, and prayers to all of you! Mudpie, we truly hope both your grandma and grandpa are home very soon. And keep up the good work of taking care of your mom, Mudpie, because kitty cuddles really are the best form of stress relief. Well wishes!

  20. We're very sorry this year is starting on such a stressful note! We're sending you lots of love and hope everyone gets well soon.
