
Saturday, January 14, 2023

Frosted Mudpie #CaturdayArt

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop! 

And now our weekly answers (all answered by Mommy this week) for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

1. A recent earworm I had was The Littlest Hobo theme song. I'll have to write a blog post about that one day. There's a story behind it! 

2. I have no interest in reading science fiction.

3. I would give up my hot summer days in exchange for extra winter.

4. Lilac is my favorite scent.


  1. Ooh, Mudpie! It looks like you are hiding in this picture!
    Mummy says to tell you She also loves the scent of lilac. Only one doesn't see it much here in Israel.

  2. Mudpie, Lynn feels the same way about science fiction. I think it's because her mommy scared her to death when she was a child by watching all those ridiculous Alfred Hitchcock shows and Twilight zone. But I don't know I have a feeling that your picture looks like you are in the Twilight Zone. Precious

  3. It looks as though you’re watching out a frosty window, Mudpie. Brrr!
    The scent of lilacs takes me back to childhood, a good memory. I have no interest in science fiction, either.

  4. Gee! That is one cool picture!
    Mudpie is not frosty at all I bet ;) MOL!!!!!
    Thank you for passing along that earworm to mum!!! MOL!
    Mum is not a fan of reading science fiction either. She does not mind watching it if it is Star Trek ;) MOL!
    We would take a winter day over a humid day too ;)
    Lilac is a nice scent.
    Purrs, Julie

  5. Mudpie, we like this artwork of you. It looks so winter wonderland-y!

  6. You're artworks looks warm to us, sweet Mudpie😸Double Pawkisses to you and your mommy too. Hope she feels better🐾😽💞

  7. Very pretty art. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. My hubby loved that show as a kid so I goy dvds from y=the library for him and we both enjoyed them. Lilacs do smell nice.

  8. That is lovely art, Mudpie. You look very mysterious.

  9. oh no Now I have the littlest hobby ear worm!

  10. Those were good answers and such cool art sweet Mudpie!

  11. You give a whole new meaning to the phrase "stay frosty", Mudpie. You're as gorgeous as ever! And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I admittedly had to look up the theme song to The Littlest Hobo, as I've somehow never seen the show. It sure is catchy, and it'll probably be stuck in my head all day now, but that's completely fine with me. And I really can't argue with you on #3. On excessively cold days I sometimes long for warmth, but then the summer heat hits and I'm ready to see it go quicker than quick. Purrs!

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