Friday, July 26, 2024

Pet Photo Fails Starring Mo

Meows from Mudpie!

Thank you for joining us for this month's edition of the Pet Photo Fails blog hop! What a disgustingly hot and humid summer we're having. Mommy is counting down the days until it's over.

Our bloopers this month feature our feral boy Mo. We consider them photo fails because Mommy has to take them through the door since he won't let her anywhere near him. Still, Mommy loves him and wants to show how adorable he is.

It's funny, I hate other cats but Mo doesn't seem to bother me. Sometimes I watch him but I never growl and hiss. I know he's feral and will never pose a threat to my "only child" status in the house so I'm willing to share my yard with him. He hadn't better get any ideas about invading my turf though.

Those are our bloopers...let's see yours!!! 

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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Christmas in July

Meows from Mudpie!

Today we want to thank the wonderful Miss Ellen of 15 and Meowing for the pawsome Christmas in July package she sent us. 

She sent Mommy an amazing tortie tin sign that she just adores, and she sent me a squeezie spoon that I'll be sure to make good use of, and a package of silvervine I'm excited to try out.

We can't thank Miss Ellen and her kitties enough for always thinking of us during Christmas in July and picking out the most purrfect gifts! 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

An Historic Week in America #SundaySelfie

Meows from Mudpie!

As I mentioned on Friday it's been a very busy week at our house, but since Mommy is a politics/news junkie, she's also been spending loads of time parked in front of the TV on this historic week in our country. She says she hasn't been this glued to the news since 9/11, but that was long before my time. 

Mommy helped me snap this selfie one evening while I was hanging out with her. Notice Mommy's American flag shoes and my package of squeezies nearby?

 We're joining our friends at The Cat On My Head for the Sunday Selfies blog hop! 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Caturday Art

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our weekly answers (all answered by Mommy this week) for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

1. I refuse to shop at Ben & Jerry's because I don't get the hype. I've lived in Vermont my entire life and never buy it at the store, only visit scoop shops on Free Cone Day, and have never gone to their factory. In my personal opinion, there any many ice cream brands that are better.

2. Mudpie is my screensaver (on my iPad). My laptop has a Truffles screensaver on it, and on my phone is artwork of 4 cats dancing under a full moon.

3. If I had a pet parrot, I would teach it to say "get lost!" Hopefully anyone at my door would hear it and take a hint!

4. Even though Halloween and Christmas aren't until October and December, I'm already excited about shopping for new holiday decor.

Friday, July 19, 2024

The Great Mouse Adventure

Meows from Mudpie!

What a crazy week it's been at our house...again. Sometime on Sunday night a half dead tree in our back yard finally bit the dust and fell over. When Mommy noticed it on Monday she contacted a handy man neighbor about taking the rest of it down and hauling it away.

It's ended up being a whole week project as he also cleaned out our gutters and did a whole bunch of other odds and ends around our yard that Mommy hasn't had the time or energy to take care of. 

Yesterday morning Mommy was helping him load up his truck when he noticed a mouse scurry away as he picked up a chunk of the tree. Sadly she was a new mama and left two precious babies behind in the grass.

Needless to say, Mommy was a basket case. She wasn't about to just let them die, so she made some phone calls and found a local wildlife rehabilitator who specializes in baby mice. The lady already had some formula for them because she's currently taking care of another litter. She told Mommy there were probably more than the two babies in our yard, but Mommy couldn't find any others, so she quickly drove them to the rehabilitator who thinks they'll be just fine as she could even see a milk line showing they had eaten very recently.

Don't they look yummy adorable? When Mommy picked them up they wrapped their little bodies around her finger, and in the car she could hear them squeaking. She kept talking to them, telling them they were going to be alright, just like she reassures me when we're going to the vet.

I'm sure my grandpa and our neighbor both thought Mommy was nuts for doing so much for baby mice, but they both know she loves animals more than anything in the world so they wisely kept their mouths shut.