Monday, October 10, 2022

Remembering Loretta #MewsicMovesMe

Last Tuesday, October 4th, we lost Loretta Lynn. As a lifelong fan I knew when the day came it would be hard, but I found myself even more emotional than I expected. I spent the entire day watching news coverage and listening to radio tributes with tears welling in my eyes.

On Friday my parents will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.

One of their favorite stories from early in their marriage was mom coming out of the bathroom one night to see Loretta on some random TV show. She yelled out, "Loretta Lynn!" Dad, asleep in his chair as usual, went running for the front door. When mom asked where he was going, he replied, "to let her in!" Needless to say, they both became so hysterical they never did see Loretta's TV appearance!

Loretta was always their favorite. Then I came along and it was Conway who captured my heart, but of course they were a package deal. If you loved one, you loved the other.

I was born by emergency c-section. While mom was recovering in the hospital her neighbor gave her a paperback copy of the Coal Miner's Daughter book, which I now have in my collection. The first time my parents left me with a babysitter was to see the movie in the theater.
In 1986 I saw Loretta at our local fair. I was only 9 and remember feeling like I was going to be crushed by so many people. That same year my grandfather passed away. The first time I ever saw dad cry was when I was playing Loretta's Christmas album one Saturday at lunch and Christmas Without Daddy came on. Mom told me to turn it off.
So many of my childhood memories are wrapped up in Loretta's music. 
She outlived Conway by nearly 30 years, and even though she made it to 90, it breaks my heart that they're both gone now. What a reunion they must've had in Heaven as Conway greeted her with "Hello Darlin'..."

Loretta, you will live on in your fans' hearts forever, just like Conway. That's what legends do.


Patricia T said...

A beautiful tribute, Melissa.

Lynn and Precious said...

Thank you for reminding me of so much about Loretta. I was lucky enough to see her perform live in Las Vegas in 1983 when we flew out to get married. I always watched for any TV show she was in .

CAAC said...

Loretta Lynn's music played in my parents' home when I was a kid. She seemed like such a nice lady. I associate well with her song, "Coal Miner's Daughter". Nice tribute. May she rest in peace! Thanks for joining the 4M party!!

csuhpat1 said...

A beautiful tribute to a true music legend.

Sandee said...

She was a country icon. She will be missed.

Have a purrfect day and week, Mudpie. My best to your mom. ♥ said...

my mom loved her music! Indeed it must have been a wonder reunion in Heaven

Brian's Home Blog said...

I know she was a bit older but we were still shocked and saddened when we heard the news. Another legend lost.

CCL Wendy said...

I'm sorry for your loss. Many, many others are feeling it, too, but that does not make your sorrow any less. I think a celebration of Loretta Lynn's life which is chronicled in her music, is in order. Her music is forever.

Katie Isabella said...

I love her music as well, AND Conway's. I used to hear Kitty Wells and Mother Maybell Carter too, June Carter Cash's momma. Two more icons in Kitty and Maybell. Now, they were heard on records later for me...they were a little bit ahead of my time. But I will never forget them. And Loretta.

bookworm said...

Loretta Lynn was a treasure. She also wrote and sang songs that were years ahead of their time. RIP. Alana

pilch92 said...

That is a sweet story about your folks. I love Coal Miner's Daughter. She was an amazing woman.

meowmeowmans said...

That was such a sweet tribute to Loretta, Melissa. Such a huge loss for so many around the world.