Monday, November 18, 2019

Indian Mudpie #MewsicMovesMe

Meows from Mudpie!

Last week Mommy embarrassed me terribly and posted her own topic in the Mewsic Moves Me blog hop instead of our friend Cathy Keisha's prompt of Native American themed songs. By the time we realized our mistake at midnight it was too late to do anything about it, so we decided to just wait and do it this week instead.

You might be surprised to learn that this prompt is relevant to little ol' me. You see, when Mommy first adopted me I was what you might call a wild child. I tore around the house all crazy pants (and still do at times), leading Mommy to nickname me "Indian Mudpie." I'm not sure that she meant it as a compliment to me or Native Americans, I'll let you decide.

Anyways, onto our Native American-inspired playlist. Shockingly, Mommy doesn't have a Conway song to start out with, but she still found a way to sneak him into our post. (Sort of like the way he's always photo bombing me.) 

Guitarist Jesse Edwin Davis was posthumously inducted into the Native American Music Hall of Fame just last year after a successful career as a solo performer and session artist, playing with a variety of musicians such as Eric Clapton, John Lennon and George Harrison. His first gig in the mid 1960s was playing guitar in Conway's band!

A few country songs with a Native American twist...

We hope you enjoyed our choices this week!

Let us know if you have a favorite...and if you think I'm a little Indian!


Mickey's Musings said...

Those are interesting music choices Mudpie.
Purrs,Georgia and Julie

CAAC said...


You brought some different 'Indian' themed songs to the dance floor. I don't think anyone used the ones you came up with last week which is really cool. Of your song picks, the only one I remember is 'Kaw-Liga' which I totally forgot about but remember that one from my childhood. Great fun! BTW, I'm sure the nickname your mommy gave you was meant as a compliment to you and American Indians. ;) Thanks for sharing the dance floor with the 4M gang today, little furriend!

Catscue Cat Mom said...

You make a precious little warrior Mudpie. The day that CK's tribute to Native Americans came out, my post was called 'Cowboy Up' … so that day was a mess up for me too.

songbird's crazy world said...

Interesting playlist.

The Florida Furkids said...

You might be a wild child but you sure are a cute one!!

The Florida Furkids

Catch My Words said...

It's not too late to hop in with the Native American theme. I posted my weekly blog topic, last week and added the songs at the end. Someone commented that they thought I'd gotten the theme wrong. We do what we do.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

You know, I can believe you were a wild kitten.. what I can't believe is that you arent still a wild kitty! MOL

John Holton said...

When I did this I learned that Loretta Lynn (and her sister, Crystal Gayle) and Hank Williams have some Indian heritage. I had no idea...

Thanks for remembering Jesse Ed. He was a favorite of mine from his early days with Taj Mahal. Good set!

Cathy Keisha said...

MP it's about time you made your mom get with the program. Heh heh. We actually knew the Hank Williams one and when we listened to it, TW realized how much the Chickasaw Mudd Puppies (who we forgot to include) borrowed from Hank.

Valentine said...

Mom says she hadn't heard that Johnny Lee song in a long time until you featured it here. Thanks, Mudpie! You always share such good music. Purr purr purr.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Well those were sure fun sweet Mudpie, ya done good!

pilch92 said...

Nice choices. And Miss Mudpie, you make an adorable Indian. XO

XmasDolly said...

Well, they all kind of go together don't they? Can't say I ever heard any of them unfortunately. My mama was always listening to music, but not country. Sorry! I think they're cute. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day!

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat said...

For some reason, when I saw you in your headdress, Mudpie, it made think that you killed a lot of birds to make that. We know you'd never really hurt a bird ... well, not on purpose.

The Menagerie Mom said...

Was it difficult to refrain from playing with all those feathers on your headdress, Mudpie? That must have been so tempting. And your music choices are, as always, purrfect!

bookworm said...

Mudpie, I thought I was going to say "Jesse Ed" but I ended up liking Hank Williams, Sr. just as much. Such a classic song, and fiddle. Alana