Welcome to my stop on the Mid-Winter's Giveaway Hop, hosted by I Am a Reader, Not a Writer and Bookhounds.
There will be a different book given away at each of the stops. At the bottom of this post are all the sites participating in the book hop. Make sure to visit (and follow) everyone and enter their giveaways! :-)
So, on to my part in the hop!
I'm giving away 2 lots of books. Simply leave a comment telling me which lot you prefer along with your email address so I can contact you. Earn extra entries by following me on Facebook, sharing this giveaway on Facebook, or tweeting about my giveaway; just leave separate comments for each (no need to post links, I'm operating on the honor system!). Good luck and have fun!!!
Lot #1:
Lot #2:
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Oh I'd just love to win Lot 1.
cozyupwithkathy @ gmail dot com
I tweeted.
cozyupwithkathy @ gmail dot com
I let Sam back in, then posted on my Facebook mystery page.
cozyupwithkathy @ gmail dot com
I already follow you on Facebook! Thanks for the chance to win...lot 1!
Happy Midwinter's Eve!
cozyupwithkathy @ gmail dot com
Thanks for giveaway. Would love to win lot 1.
Lot # 1 would be awesome ! kathambre@yahoo.com
I already follow you on Facebook :)
I want lot 2/ I followed you on Facebook and shared this on Facebook. Do not tweet
yenastone at aol dot com
We are FB friends
I'd love to give a home to collection #1 (Is that the one behind th curtain or the door?)
Lot #1 looks like my WishList!!!!
cyn209 at juno dot com
I've 'liked' your FB page..........
cyn209 at juno dot com
giveaway shared on my FB wall............
cyn209 at juno dot com
Lot #1 bobbipad@gmail.com
I follow you on Facebook. Bobbipad@gmail.com
I would love lot 1! tpagrlsjourney@gmail.com
I liked you on Facebook! tpagrlsjourney@gmail.com
I liked you on Facebook and shared. I'd love to win Lot #1.
I liked you on facebook, would love to win lot #1
I liked you on FB, Google +'d you, Tweeted and now here to tell you... Lot 2! :) Thanks for hosting
I would love Lot # 1, thank you.
I follow on Facebook.
I would love to have Lot #1.
Thank you and Happy Holidays!
mittens0831 at aol dot com
I follow on Facebook - Carol Mintz
mittens0831 at aol dot com
mittens0831 at aol dot com
mittens0831 at aol dot com
I'd prefer lot 1
sgiden at verizon dot net
Lot #1 would be perfect for me! What a terrific bunch of books.
I already am a FB follower.
Liked and shared on FB.
I would love to have Lot #1! Thank you for participating!
Barbara Thompson
I've already liked your Facebook page!!
Barbara Thompson
I shared on my Facebook page!!
Barbara Thompson
I tweeted on Twitter!!
Barbara Thompson
Lot #2 Please!
I tweeted! https://twitter.com/BellaJackCats/status/414487583247196160
I would love to have lot #1. Thank you for the chance to enter!
I just followed you on Facebook. Thank you!
I would love to win Lot #1 Thanks for the giveaway!
Email: anexihs(at)ovi(dot)com
I followed your facebook page!! :)
I also shared the giveaway on my Facebook page!! :)
I would love to win lot #1! Thanks so much for hosting!
Lot #1 looks terrific!!
cc_clubbs at yahoo dot com
Tweeted the contest! https://twitter.com/Cindi169/status/414526962778902528
cc_clubbs at yahoo dot com
Follower on FB--cynthia borgmeyer clubbs
cc_clubbs at yahoo dot com
Lot one looks interesting.
I am following you on facebook.
I would love to win Lot # 1. Thanks for having this giveaway.
I follow you on Facebook.
I tweeted the giveaway.
I'd love lot #2 :)
I tweeted this giveaway :)
I'd love lot #2
Thank you!
I'd love to win the first giveaway.
I'm a FB friend Nora-Adrienne Deret
Posted to my FB Timeline
Tweeted the giveaway @NoraAdrienne
I like lot2.
leighannecrisp@yahoo dot com
I like lot 2! Melaniemcclure@knology.net
Awesome giveaway - I would go with lot #2.
journeythroughbooks @gmail.com
I follow on facebook
journeythroughbooks @gmail.com
I would LOVE lot #1!!
I'm a Fan on Facebook!
I tweeted about the giveaway.
I shared on Facebook!
I would love both.. hehe.. just kidding. ummm Lot. #2.
Thanks for the giveaway.
i would love to win lot 1, thank you, janeycat1@outlook.com, liked and shared on facebook, tweeted, follow on bloglovin, thank you
I'd love to win Lot #1!
volta2173 at sbcglobal dot net
I follow on Facebook as Jen Haile.
volta2173 at sbcglobal dot net
I shared on Facebook.
volta2173 at sbcglobal dot net
I shared on Twitter as @XArea51
volta2173 at sbcglobal dot net
I would love to win lot #1. michelle_willms(at)yahoo(dot)com
Great books, lot #1 please!
worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com
I would love lot #1 please! Thanks for the chance to win!
Liked your fb page! Lot #1 plz!
luckyemerald8107 @ yahoo.com
Shared on my wall! Lot #1 plz!
luckyemerald8107 @ yahoo.com
Lot #1 plz!
luckyemerald8107 @ yahoo.com
Lot 1 :)
Thanks so much and Happy Holidays
I follow you on FB.
Would love to win Lot # 1.
I tweeted.
Liked you on Facebook. Thought I posted this but did not show up
Shared your contest on Facebook. Mentioned lot 1
I would love lot 2! nodonahue at gmail
I would love to win Lot 2
Hmmm probably Lot 2 :)
Liked you on Facebook (Chanel Ellie)
spicedlatte (at) hotmail (dot) com
I prefer Lot 2
Ann [dot] m [dot] vuong [at] gmail [dot] com
I shared the giveaway on Twitter.
Lot 1 would be awesome but anything is better than nothing ... Thanks
I tweeted the giveaway
i would choose Lot 1.
I liked you on facebook. Donna Clark
I would love Lot# 1. I already followed on Facebook.
Tammy Hudson
I shared on Twitter.
Tammy Hudson
I shared on Facebook.
Tammy Hudson
I would love to win Lot #1 it has some of the books on it that I had already on my TBR list.
I would love lot #1 Thank You for the chance to win
I follow on Facebook Crystal Young
crystaley73 at yahoo dot com
I'd love to win Lot #2.
Happy Holidays and thanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com
Followed on Facebook: Elizabeth Hyatt
elizabeth @ bookattict . com
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/BookAttict/status/415865112973426688
elizabeth @ bookattict . com
Shared on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BookAttict/posts/10201307214631580
elizabeth @ bookattict . com
Honestly, I would happy with either. In order:
Lot 1
Lot 2
follow you on facebook
I would love to get my hands on Lot 1
They both look great but I think I would prefer lot #1. Thanks! sbcashortie at hotmail dot com
I tweeted this giveaway with the button at the bottom of the post.
I would prefer lot #1
s2s2 at Comcast dot net
s2s2 at Comcast dot net
Lot 1 it has a book i been wanting to read
like your facebook
shared https://www.facebook.com/annie.page.9440/posts/509805815784159
email lecasa4@aol.com
I would love to have Lot #1
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
I like you on Facebook as Carolsue Anderson
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
I shared on Facebook
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
I tweeted
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
I followed on FB
I tweeted the giveaway!
I shared on FB
Love Lot One!!
Lot 1 Would be awesome!
lilypondreads at gmail dot com
already following on Facebook :) Lily Blain
Lot one would be my pick because there are a few cozies on my wish list that are in that list. :)
I also follow you on Facebook. Kelly Blackwell
I shared your giveaway via Twitter:
I would like #1. thanks for the generous giveaway.
Follow already on Facebook.
I would love to win Lot 1.
Thank you for the giveaway and the opportunity to win.
I'd love lot #1
Like on FB- Krysta Banco
Either one for me please! lesley.maxey@gmail.com
Lot one would be awesome to win! dawnkeenan at mchsi dot com
Follow on facebook. Love the cats!
Tweeted! https://twitter.com/newnameford/status/417459428586041345
I would like lot #1
jenhedger at hotmail dot com
I would prefer lot #1. Happy New Year!
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I would love Lot #1 :)
kissyjensen at gmail dot com
I Like your FB page as CHristine Hellewell Jensen
kissyjensen at gmail dot com
I would love to have Lot 1. Thanks for the chance to win!
-Amber Terry-
Following via Facebook.
-Amber T.-
Tweeted about the giveaway.
-Amber T.-
Forgot to add my email: starry_night1987@yahoo.com
I'd like either set. They both look amazing!
I'm a FB fan (Dede Zoomsalot)
dedezoomsalot @ yahoo .com
Lot 1 please
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