Friday, December 20, 2013

My Brown Newfies: Pet Blogger's Gift Exchange

As part of the Christmas season I signed up for the Pet Blogger's Gift Exchange hosted by Something Wagging This Way Comes and I Still Want More Puppies.

Everyone who signed up was paired with another blogger to celebrate their fellow blogger and "to share compliments, encouragement, and linky love". We were paired with Jen and her Newfoundlands Sherman and Leroy of My Brown Newfies & Me.

Going into this I knew chances were pretty good that I would be paired up with a dog blogger, and I would have some fun homework to do getting to know a "new to me" blog. Imagine my pleasant surprise when my partner ended up being a blog that I've been enjoying for several months now, and a blogger that I've come to admire a great deal.

Let me tell you why. Jen is a vet tech, and late in the summer was asked to immediately resign from her position. Why? Because she posted on her PERSONAL Facebook page that she was contemplating a career change. What made the situation even worse is that the childish person who set the whole thing in motion waited to turn this "scandalous" material over just 2 days before Jen's beloved Sherman was scheduled for knee surgery. Doesn't everyone have dreams for the future? The whole situation was just so incredibly unfair.

Adjusting to life as a stay-at-home mom led Jen to start writing a weekly feature titled What I Did This Week While You Were Gone And I Was Home, a round up post of what was featured on her blog that week, and a way to let her husband and kids know what she was up to while they were at work and school and she was home alone with the dogs.

My Brown Newfies features a variety of topics from products to pet health. I especially enjoy when Jen writes about holistic medicine. And the photography...Jen is an amazing photographer and just this week wrote a piece for Pets Advisor about photography tips. She is also a very funny writer; check out When You’re Walking The Dog And The S.W.A.T Team Asks To Speak With You.

If My Brown Newfies isn't already a stop on your daily blog rounds, it should be! I created a Pinterest board featuring 25 of my favorite posts; check it out HERE


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Ah, I love Jen and My Brown Newfies! Great post :) Looking forward to looking at the Pinterest board

jen said...

Thank you so for all the kind words Melissa and thank you for the Pinterest board! That is awesome!

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Jackie Bouchard said...

We love Jen and Leroy and Sherma! She's so darn funny, and as you mentioned, she takes great photos! Will go check out the Pinterest board!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

we are long time followers of Jen and just adore her AND her Newfies!

Pamela said...

Such a generous post. And I loved the Pinterest board you set up. You are proof once again that cat bloggers are the absolute best!

Thanks so much for joining the Pet Blogger's Gift Exchange. Perhaps if we had a cat blogger to co-host next year, we could attract even more cat blogs to join the fun. Think it over. :)

Pup Fan said...

Great post - Jen is hilarious and awesome, and your gift to her is wonderful. I especially love that you set up a Pinterest board - so fun! So glad that you joined us for the gift exchange.

And I agree - we could totally use a cat blog ambassador. :)

SlimDoggy said...

Great idea on the Pinterest Board...we love Jen, Leroy & Sherman too!

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D said...

Wow, I never knew about the whole Facebook scandal. I'm glad she's doing something she enjoys now and doesn't have to work around such toxic people.

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