Truffles and I would like to thank our friend Taylor from For Tails Only for the yummy treats that she sent for Truffles' Gotcha Day as part of their Pet Birthday Club. Truffles is a total treat junkie and I'm always on the lookout for healthy, grain free treats for her to enjoy. She inhaled these so fast that I couldn't even capture a treat in the photo, just Truffles washing the blanket clean!

Fill out my online form.
We'll be on the lookout for those treats. Our Mommy is always looking for healthy treats for us. Thanks for sharing!
They might even make it to NZ - I love the packet!
Looks like some yummy treats!
ENJOY! Your Yummy Treats. Golden Woofs
Gotcha Day treats taste better than regular treats!
Nice treats!
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
Those treats look really good!
I've seen the My Little Lion treats and wondered if my babies would like them. Perhaps it's time we try them!
Oooh, what YUMMY treats! Happy WW
Enjoy your treats!
Done! Glad you like your treats, Truffles. :)
ConCats on da yummy tweats fur yous gotcha day.
Luv ya'
Truffles, you get TREATS? COOLIO! ~ Faraday
*sigh* Diets are soooooo not fun. ~ Allie
Treats. How cool.
Happy gotcha day! Enjoy those treats.
Happy gotcha day!
Truffles we think you really enjoyed those treats
yummm! Thanks for posting the survey too!
You got treats for your gotcha day, Truffles? Awesome!
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