Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The Great Big Disappointing Box

Meows from Mudpie!

Do you remember a couple weeks ago when we asked for your guesses as to what was inside this great big box from Cracker Barrel? It arrived on the same day as my Chewy delivery and CatLadyBox, so naturally I assumed this box was for me too and quickly jumped inside as soon as Mommy opened it up.

And inside I found...another box!!! This one was made of wooden slats and I immediately started imagining all the fun ways I could use it! It could be stuffed with blankies to make a super cool rustic-looking bed, or maybe it would be better suited as a toy box in the living room (it's big enough that it might even fit my entire collection of loot!) I could even turn it on it's side to make a fun fort to hang out in and watch the world go by!

Then Mommy broke the devastating news...she didn't buy the box for me! It's a record storage box for her Conway collection!!! She had been wanting a special box to keep his records separate from all her parents old country records, but the one she wanted on Amazon was $30 and she couldn't see spending that much money on a box. Then she saw this one on Cracker Barrel's website for half price at only $15, and she loved it even more because it's so "country" looking.

At first she thought the box could hold all of her Conway records and CDs but that didn't last long. The record box is already more than half full, and the CDs have outgrown a box of their own. I'm pretty sure she could listen to him for 48 hours straight and not play the same album twice. She says that sounds like the most heavenly 48 hours she can think of! (This isn't the entirety of her collection either. She also has lots of magazines, tour books, shirts, photos, posters, DVDs, videotapes and other various knick knacks. Once she gets her record player she plans to work on displaying it all.)

Mommy loves this box SO much (almost as much as she loves the man inside), how it looks and even how the wood smells. She's even having fun decorating it with some vintage buttons she found on Etsy.

I have so much that I guess I shouldn't be jealous she kept it for herself, but don't you think she should've gotten a second one for me? Too late's already sold out online!

Hopefully it's okay that we're linking this up to the Mewsic Moves Me blog hop even though we aren't spinning any tunes this week. (Edit: we decided to add a couple YouTube links to some pawsome concert footage!)


XmasDolly said...

No prob. Maybe next time though you could leave a link to one of these tunes & we could choose to go listen we shall. Great job... thanks for joining us.

Summer at said...

I think it is CRIMINAL that your human didn't buy a second box just for you, Mudpie!

Mickey's Musings said...

We also think that box would be purrfect for a kitty.
HUmans have strange ideas about what to do with cool things :/
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

CAAC said...


Man, oh man! What a bummer to learn your mom (aka Melissa) didn't get this beautiful old wooden crate for your stash of goodies but sometimes mommies need to splurge on themselves. After all they have a hard job. :) However, now that she's seen HOW much you like the crate, then maybe *cross fingers* she'll get you your very own. If that doesn't work, then there's about 169 days until Christmas. It's freebie week on Monday's Music Moves Me and you are referring to mewsic so I'm cool with your share but it would've been neat to have a little Conway Twitty playing in the background while I read your disappointing box mews. What's wanted to present his tunes but Mom would have a hissy fit if you touched her mewsic? Ahhh, then that explains everything! I know how particular humans can be with their vinyls and compact discs because I'm married to one. lol Have a purrfect week, my pAwesome friend and all my best to Melissa!

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

Uh oh.... now that our mom knows Cracker Barrel has a website, her credit card may be in trouble. It's really not fair that you didn't keep that box. She could have put her records inthe cardboard one!

Unknown said...

What do you mean that cool box wasn't for you??! Admittedly, it's perfect for your mommy's Conway Twitty collection, but you need to tell her--emphatically--that cats get dibs on all new boxes. ALL. :)

Patricia T said...

Poor Mudpie. :)

The Island Cats said...

Did you at least get to keep the first big box, Mudpie? We sure hope so.

Rene said...

Well that is a great way to store your Conway items! Neat!

Three Chatty Cats said...

A box for your mommy and not you? Oh no!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Thanks...we added a couple YouTube links :)

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Thanks...we added a couple YouTube links :)

pilch92 said...

That is a nice storage box. Can't you have the cardboard one?

The Menagerie Mom said...

Don't be too hard on your mommy, Mudpie. Sometimes even humans need boxes. Did you ever think such a thing was possible? Besides, look at that great big cardboard box you can claim as your own! Happy Wednesday to you both!

Eastside Cats said...

So disappointing, Mudpie! Did you at least get the cardboard box as a consolation prize?

The Florida Furkids said...

All boxes should belong to cats. If nothing else, you get first dibs!!

The Florida Furkids

World of Animals, Inc. said...

Your momma sure does have a lot of Conway Twitty albums. We believe the next box that she orders should especially be your own toy box. You can always use the big cardboard box as a little hideout for right now. Thanks for the share. Have a great day.
World of Animals

Cathy Keisha said...

Whoa! How disappointing. You could have hidden in the box and grabbed at her ankles through the slats. TW still has shelves and shelves of REM stuff but is slowly purging. She has all the US, UK and Japanese CDs and records. She has lots of magazines and books too cos she's mentioned in some of them. Did I mention she also had over 1000 live bootleg tapes of their concerts—audio and video. She cannot tsk-tsk your mom's collection.

Valentine said...

Well, maybe you can let your momma slide by this one time. But tell her the next box is YOURS! Tee hee hee. Wowy, she sure does have lots of CT stuffs, but it's nice that she has a place for all of it. Mom would love to have a record player again. She got rid of the one she had along with all her records to move to ORE-gon. That was before my time. Tee hee hee. You sure look cute perched on that box! Purrs. -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews said...

THat is indeed a great box with lots of old-school style!

meowmeowmans said...

Dang. She didn't get one for you, Mudpie? Did she at least let you keep the box it came in?

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

that is a cool box and you sure can't beat the price! I think it is purrfect for records!

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat said...

WHAT?!?! Your Mommy got something and it wasn't for you, Mudpie?! #shameOnMommy #poorkitty #comelivewithus

bookworm said...

Maybe one day your Mommy will explain Conway Twitty to you, along with what LP's were. And maybe even Hee Haw. Until then, all will remain a mystery behind closed doors. Alana

Michele at Angels Bark said...

Wow, now that's a dedicated Conway Twitty fan! Very cool. My Mom and my aunt were very into him and I grew up hearing his music and his many collaborations with Loretta Lynn and Dolly Parton.

So glad you added the links for the music.
Here, better late than never.... It's been an insane week.
See you soon for the next round of 4M posts, tomorrow! :)

Michele at Angels Bark