The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It's a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.
* My big news this week is my brand new uber-adorable social media buttons (top right sidebar). Designed by the amazing Glogirly Design I just adore my sweet little torties!!! This week I also opened up a Pinterest account so check me out there too...
Last week on Mochas, Mysteries and More:
Last week on Mochas, Mysteries and More:
Thank you, Berkley Prime Crime/Obsidian!!!
That's a totally awesome book haul! I got a few of those e-books as Kindle Freebies so I'm hoping that they're good. You're new buttons are so cute! I hope you enjoy all your new books :)
Come see my Sunday Post :)
- Kimberly @ Turning the Pages
OMG!! I LOVE your social icons!!! They are fabulous!! How often do we use THAT word a day? Not enough!!!
And are you the cozy mystery reader or what???? Holy hauls, batman!!!! But I do like the Gooseberry Patch cookbook ;) I pull those books for readers all the time at the library (where I work)!! Very popular!!
Have a great week!! My Sunday Post
What a great haul! Lost of good ones. Enjoy...
Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday's Post
Those all look wonderful! Thanks for sharing...and enjoy. I'm gravitating to the cozies, since I'm participating in a Cozies Challenge.
You have alot of great books on your list!
Im planning on reading "Blowing on Dandelions" soon! =)
Some great selections I haven't heard about. Love discovering some new books. Happy reading!
I am positively drooling! Enjoy all your new reads!
My Added to the Bookshelf post!
♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf
Wow! Thanks so much for sharing that you bought my newest release, Blowing on Dandelions, book one in the Love Blossoms in Oregon series!! Awesome! I'd love to hear your thoughts when you've had time to read it. I so hope you enjoy.
So many books! The new icons are cue. :)
The icons are adorable, and what a terrific haul! The Berkley cozies in particular look yummy. As a knitter, I'd love to read Yarn to Go; I've just put it on my Goodreads TBR list. You'll be a happy reader with all these goodies!
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